Music Studio
more than piano lessons
Music Learning Theory
“If I have seen a little further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”
Sir Isaac Newton
The Basics
Music Learning Theory is not a method! It's an explanation of how we learn music. Based on an extensive body of research and practical field testing by Edwin E. Gordon and others, Music Learning Theory focuses on audiation, Gordon’s term for hearing music in the mind with understanding. For more information about Music Learning Theory click here.
Audiation is the foundation of musicianship. It takes place when we hear and comprehend music for which the sound is no longer or may never have been present. One may audiate when listening to music, performing from notation, playing “by ear,” improvising, composing, or notating music. Click here for more information about Audiation.
Learning Sequences
The process of learning music is very much like the process of learning language. The steps for learning language are: listening, imitating, speaking, reading, writing. Similarly are the steps for learning music. Hoops Music Studio specializes in Music Learning Theory and uses the prescribed learning sequences to move students through the steps of music comprehension.
Edwin E. Gordon
Edwin E. Gordon, PhD. is widely remembered as a researcher, teacher, author, editor, and lecturer. He and his work have been portrayed nationally on the NBC Today Show, in the New York Times, and in USA Today. He is the author of six highly regarded music aptitude tests, as well as numerous books, articles, and research monographs.
"Music is unique to humans. Like the other arts, music is as basic as language to human development and existence. Through music a child gains insights into herself, into others, and into life itself. Perhaps most important, she is better able to develop and sustain her imagination. Without music, life would be bleak. Because a day does not pass without a child’s hearing or participating in some music, it is to a child’s advantage to understand music as thoroughly as she can. As a result, as she becomes older she will learn to appreciate, to listen to, and to partake in music that she herself believes to be good. Because of such cultural awareness, her life will have more meaning for her." Click here for more Information about Dr. Gordon.